Covid Health & Safety at Work

Reducing risk of Covid-19 at Trade Union Meetings and Conferences: a comprehensive guide to holding safer conferences and meetings, for trade unions and other organisations.

We are delighted to have worked with the Hazards Campaign to develop this guide, which provides easy to follow and implement advice on reducing risks of infection at meetings.

Airborne protections against covid in the workplace

The place of vaccines and airborne protections in the hierarchy of controls. Vaccines are the last line of our defences against the pandemic. We must prioritise airborne protections that stop the virus entering our bodies.

All workers needs airborne protection against Covid-19 now! A comprehensive background document with the rationale for airborne protections, and details of mitigations measures. Includes a section on current infection control guidance, and how this fails to protect patients and health care workers from airborne spread.

Leaflet on airborne protections for all workers. FFP2 masks, CO2 monitors, HEPA air filters and ventilation systems will stop the pandemic.

Model resolution for trade union branches. For union branches to discuss how to push for airborne protections in the workplace.

Doctors in Unite resolution on the urgent need for airborne protections for all workers.

UK infection control guidelines – fundamentally flawed and unsafe.

Ventilation, ventilation, ventilation. TUC statement on how workers can keep safe indoors.

HSE must classify Covid-19 as a serious disease

US Nurses strike over unsafe working conditions for staff and patients